Monday, September 14, 2015

Chapter 2 Page 52 Discussion Questions 1-5

      1. Explain the meaning of the term visual grammar.

Visual grammar is the reconstruction of events from raw material shot in the field and the process of editing the material for broadcast.

2. List the three basic shots in motion picture photography and describe their functions.

Long shot, medium shot, and close-up. The long shot provides a full view of the subject. The medium shot brings subject matter closer to the viewer and begins to isolate it from the overall environment. The close-up shot isolates the subject entirely from its surrounding environment.

3. Explain how the three basic shoots can be joined to achieve a sense of continuity or consecutiveness in a scene.

These basic shot functions together in sequence. It is used commonly when Golf is being covered. First you see the golfer and his club and the tee as he prepares to shoot, then you see the shot of the golfers’ upper body as the ball is in flight, and then they go to a close up of just the golf ball as it hits the ground.

4. What considerations help determine when a shot or the image size of a subject should be changed in a visual story?

Camera perspectives/angles and length of the report should be taken into consideration when changing the shot or the size of a subject should be changed in a visual story.

5. Explain why it is so important in film and television to have action in virtually every scene.

They want to give viewers the same experience that they would receive if they were actually at the event and in shows they want the shots to flow continuously with no jump cuts or bad edits. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Discussion Questions Chapter 1 Page 24: 1-5

1. What qualities separate the photographer from the photojournalist? 

-Anyone who has a camera can be a photographer. You cannot be a photojournalist until you learn how to tell a visual story.

2. In what sense are the camera and microphone "writing and reporting instruments"? 

-The camera and microphone are considered writing and reporting instruments in the sense that in video media you can only communicate with images and sound. The sound is captured on the microphone.

3. Why can the edit console fairly be called a "rewrite" machine?

-Whenever you are editing, you are evaluating, changing, and reshaping your visual into what you would like it to be. You are essential rewriting what it originally was or developing it into something better.

4. How does the nature of a television news report differ from a newspaper story?

-News reports emphasize the facts. They want to give the audience the most crucial details while also keeping them interested in the story. They are almost like visual spark notes to a book. Newspaper stories give you all the details. Newspaper stories appeal to people on a different level than television news. Print informs or reports first to the intellect. Visual stories commonly report first to the heart.

5. What is the role of the written word in television news?

-The role of written words in television news is to connect the pictures and sounds just in case you are unable to understand. Sometimes reporters and news anchors can read too fast for the audience to catch every word. The written word helps people get all the words and a complete understanding of the news and/or the key points. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

5 Shot Sequence: How To Do Enough of A Push Up

In my class, we have been learning about The Five Shot Method . We had to use the 5 shot method to show someone doing something. I decided to show how you successfully do enough of a push up......

You want to start in the up position. Get up on your arms and your toes. Don''t leave a lot of space between your feet and make sure your hands are in the proper place.

Close Up: Take a better look at your hands. Make sure your hands are out in front of you with an even distance between them. Preferably shoulder width apart.

From the up position you will go straight down until your elbows pass your rib cage.

Close up: Try to keep your head up and even. When your head is down you This. Looking down like that forces your body into an unnatural position and certain muscle groups that push ups are to work will not be worked properly.

Follow the steps above and you should be doing enough of a push to get a solid workout in. I encourage you to look up Proper push up technique to learn more about how to correctly do real push ups! 

When Social Media Distracts You From Writing A Blog Post....

Friday, August 28, 2015

About Me

I don't think it gets more simple than me! I'm a student at South Carolina State University who changed his major from Nuclear Engineering to Communications. *insert praise break here*

I enjoy writing everything! Songs, stories, poems, papers, everything! I do spoken word poetry and I'm even working on an album now that will be released early next year. All my content is based on what I believe and I believe in Jesus Christ. That He died for my sins and rose again so that I could have this lovely relationship with God that I do now.

I started this blog to provide you with any news I find intriguing that is relevant to the media or just relevant to me and my life in general. I'll try to have a variety of info here for you! Enjoy!