Monday, May 8, 2017

Put Some Respeck On My Name

Do you remember Birdman's infamous rant on the Breakfast Club?

Well if you have ever faced the same problem I have your solution right here. Find out how to get your copy of Respek!

If you wanted to hear what happened after Birdman's rant, just click here.

Special thanks to Eddie Massey for his participation. To find out more about Eddie, visit his Facebook page.

Thank you again for viewing my blog and thank you joining me and my fellow classmates for a whole semester! Hope to see you again soon! This isn't goodbye, simply see you later!

ViZion Sports

For our latest project in Mr. Harwood's class we had to do a group project. We decided to do a sports talk show since we both love sports so much!  Join Marshall and I as we give you the latest NBA Playoff news.

Hope you enjoyed the show! 

For more information on my co-host Marshall Padgett check out his blog here. 

Special thanks to Aaliyah Charles and Sha'yauna Bowman for working behind the scenes. 

To view Shay's blog,  simply click on her name. And for the latest in NBA Playoff action visit Bleacher Report.  Thanks for visiting my blog!