Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Linked In to Linkedin

Linkedin is a powerful tool that can be used to help you land your first job, connect to people with similar jobs or interests, and even to help you find someone who can help you further your own knowledge or understanding.

Linkedin really does connect you with real professionals.

I am almost overwhelmed by the amount of people I can connect with directly on Linkedin. There is no junk in the way, no random pictures, and no foolishness to distract you from what you are looking for and that is people to connect with on a professional level. The reach of Linkedin is uncontainable. 

Linkedin is a social network, but I like to call it the only professional social network.

Linkedin is not a place for you to show everyone what you're working with. It is not the place to tell people how crazy and terrible your day is going. Linkedin is a professional atmosphere for professionals to engage other professionals. 

For tips on how to make your Linkedin profile more professional, click here.

Join Linkedin if you're looking to expand your career and connect with other professionals.

Link with me and view my profile here.

Until next time, thank you!