Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Pinterest Peeks Much Interest

Pinterest is a giant collection of pictures and collage like spaces called boards that can be used to explore your deepest interest.

From sports to food to tattoos to whatever you love, you can find it on Pinterest. Pinterest was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp and launched in March of 2010. Before making one, I never have been on Pinterest or knew that much about it.

I have a board for my favorite NBA team the Lakers which has a few of the players from the team on it and I hope to add more to it soon of Lakers legends and icons. It is called Laker.

 I have another board for encouragement called "HELP". The idea for this board is to use scriptures and other powerful things to help people get through their days and to keep people uplifted when they are beginning to get stressed.

My last board, CHH MUSIC, is for music because many people look at me crazy when I say I only listen to gospel music and christian rap. People think Christian rap can't be good and real so I will be posting my favorite songs and artist there so that people can be exposed t some good, positive, uplifting, Christian based music.

Whole Foods has a very appealing Pinterest page to me. My girlfriend is vegan. Yes, completely vegan. No dairy, no gluten, nothing. So as a result, I've been to Whole Foods enough times that I should work there.

There Pinterest is full of just great recipes for any time, any season, or any mood. Seeing all the food and meals and recipes makes you want to go there and get the ingredients which I believe is the goal. Not only do we want you to make good meals, but you can't make many of these meals without coming here to shop first. They suck you in. (View Whole Foods Pinterest click here)

Another company I like is Express and they have a Pinterest page as well  If you want to see it, click here.

I truly don't dislike Pinerest at all. I think it is a great social media site that can be used for fun or to bring attention and awareness to things or for business.

I just don't see myself spending hours on it. I'm not really into pictures and all that at the moment. I may give it another go later on, but for right now I am not really into it that greatly.

But follow me on Pinterest and see what I come up with!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"Jalen Ayers?".............Here but Not Here

For the first few weeks of school, teachers would start calling the roll and notice that one student was absent again, again, and again.

While teachers were repetitively calling his name every day Senior Jalen Ayers was at Advanced Camp, which is a necessary camp and training to become a Second Lieutenant in the Army. He was there from July 6th to August 6th and went to Colorado where he was chosen to be a Platoon Leader and got to be an acting Second Lieutenant.

While at Fort Carson in Colorado, he was able to visit Pikes Peak which is the highest summit of the southern Front Range of the Rocky Mountains in North America. Ayers said that he would encourage anyone to go out there and "just see the amazing sights and be able to realize that there is a God."

(Jalen Ayers at Pikes Peak in Colorado)

Ayers is a Senior Broadcasting major from Charlotte, North Carolina where he grew up being a very successful basketball player. He moved to Columbia when he was going to high school because his dad got a job offer he couldn't refuse.

"Why am I leaving Charlotte?," asked a young Ayers. He knew nothing of South Carolina but when he got to Columbia for high school he started playing football.

"I was pretty decent at it," said Ayers. Pretty decent? Decent enough to get a football scholarship to Tusculum College in Tennessee.

(Jalen Ayers pictured at Awards Banquet)

 He went but it was a really small town. Ayers said if you wanna celebrate "you go to the one Applebees there and that's it.

He realized after the season that he had zero passion and desire for football. He didn't want his parents to have anything to do with it so he called every HBCU he could; he desperately wanted to have a more loving and family experience than he did in Tennessee.

A fried of the family decided to give Ayers the help he needed. Juan Maultsby, program director of the Honors College at South Carolina State assured Ayers that he could get into SC State easily and that if he didn't like it he could always transfer.

Ayers decided to come to State. He joined the the National Guard a year after because he wanted to get back to Charlotte for free. He didn't know however that he had to go to basic training for a semester. After that, he enrolled in school but got deployed to Afghanistan for 9 months giving Ayers another unexpected setback.

When he returned from deployment he said that "it was no longer about getting back to North Carolina; I have to finish school."

Since he didn't want to deploy again, he decided to join the ROTC program at SC State to be able to pursue finishing his education.

"Joining ROTC was the best decision I've probably ever made," said Ayers.

Jalen Ayers (right), with his brother Juwan (left), and his father Mr. Ayers (center) 

He thought since he deployed he had it all together already but, credits the sayings of his father as his piece of humble pie.

"Be a leader, not a follower; But in order to lead, you have to follow first. He beat it in our heads," said Ayers.

(Jalen Ayers teaching ROTC students from multiple colleges) 

Now Ayers is over the Bulldog Battalion as the Battalion Executive Officer. He is inspired and passionate about building up what is already one of the best, most productive general producing programs in the nation.

According to Ayers, the bulldog battalion has 19 generals in the U.S.  Military, with two more coming within the next 2 years. That number is second only to West Point, which tells you how profound the program here is.

"We produce leaders, we are known for producing generals who are ready to lead. That's why I'm so hard on the students. Because I know what we come from and I know how serious this is," said Ayers.

"I will probably always come back to State once I graduate to make sure the Battalion never dies down. I am passionate about mentor-ship so I always intend to be helping and giving back," said Ayers.

To find out more about Jalen,

Check out Jalen's blog here and follow him on Twitter.


The hashtag symbol has become super popular. Millions of people not only use hashtags created by others, but they create clever hashtags themselves. The success of the hashtag can be tied directly to the launch and uprising of Twitter in July of 2006.

Twitter has revolutionized the way we communicate with others across the world and the way in which we share news.

Since the launch of Twitter, many news outlets had to figure out how to successfully use Twitter to give news to the people. The challenge of that is to be attractive enough to catch the eye of users as they are scrolling. Now, just about every organization, including sports teams, has a social media coordinator or team.

I use twitter to quickly gain access to news mostly. I follow many journalist, reporters, and sports anchors to stay abreast about sports news. I follow Adam Schefter, Adrian Wojnarowski, Skip Bayless, and Stephen A. Smith just to name a few.

I also follow many Christian poets to keep up with tour dates, their success, their struggles, and just how they operate to encourage myself since I do Christian based poetry as well.

 I tweet to encourage, inspire, and to share my faith. Most of my tweets are about God or sports and sometimes I will tweet about how i feel but, I try to keep my feelings out of things,,

Twitter had very small beginnings but,it has gained traction so fast and it has been used effectively by President Donald Trump....well maybe effectively isn't the best word for it.

"crooked Hillary"

"You can't stop me"

"Handicapped and minority students don't need education."

"Something happened to a black person so they will vote for me!"

Whether you're a mail man, an athlete, a teacher, a high school student, a custodian, or the President, you can create a Twitter account and join the social media world. How you use your 140 characters is all up to you. I would just recommend that you Tweet Responsibly. 

#followmeontwitter #thanksforreading #prayfortrump #ican'tmakethisstuffuppeople