From sports to food to tattoos to whatever you love, you can find it on Pinterest. Pinterest was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp and launched in March of 2010. Before making one, I never have been on Pinterest or knew that much about it.
I have a board for my favorite NBA team the Lakers which has a few of the players from the team on it and I hope to add more to it soon of Lakers legends and icons. It is called Laker.
I have another board for encouragement called "HELP". The idea for this board is to use scriptures and other powerful things to help people get through their days and to keep people uplifted when they are beginning to get stressed.
My last board, CHH MUSIC, is for music because many people look at me crazy when I say I only listen to gospel music and christian rap. People think Christian rap can't be good and real so I will be posting my favorite songs and artist there so that people can be exposed t some good, positive, uplifting, Christian based music.
Whole Foods has a very appealing Pinterest page to me. My girlfriend is vegan. Yes, completely vegan. No dairy, no gluten, nothing. So as a result, I've been to Whole Foods enough times that I should work there.
There Pinterest is full of just great recipes for any time, any season, or any mood. Seeing all the food and meals and recipes makes you want to go there and get the ingredients which I believe is the goal. Not only do we want you to make good meals, but you can't make many of these meals without coming here to shop first. They suck you in. (View Whole Foods Pinterest click here)
Another company I like is Express and they have a Pinterest page as well If you want to see it, click here.

I truly don't dislike Pinerest at all. I think it is a great social media site that can be used for fun or to bring attention and awareness to things or for business.
I just don't see myself spending hours on it. I'm not really into pictures and all that at the moment. I may give it another go later on, but for right now I am not really into it that greatly.
But follow me on Pinterest and see what I come up with!