Thursday, May 10, 2018

Resume Reel or Tape

I've learned so much along the way in each of my classes at South Carolina State University. I've gained confidence in front of the camera and behind the camera. 

Here is a short collection of some of the projects I've done and stories I've told. It's been so fun doing each and every interview.

 Check out my youtube channel for more things from me. Thank you for being a part of this ride!

Feature Package Coach Murray Gravin

SCSU Men's Basketball Head Coach Murray Garvin lives by the motto, lifting as we climb!

The NCAA chose Garvin to recieve the 2018 NABC Guardians of the Game Award for Education.

Coach Garvin agreed to sit down with me to discuss winning the award as well as the Ty Solomon situation.

Check out his interview below and be sure to check out his website by clicking here.